Tuesday, September 2, 2008


well, we had a great weekend. i worked the entire time at the pizzaria and my hubs actually hung out with people! the first weekend the roles were switched! but i must admit i am very excited to head home today! i miss everyone! i am also glad i will not be at the pizzaria today either! there is a reason i don't work there in the first place! :) but it was fun to see all the old customers again asking if iam here to stay and the answer was a definate no!!! o h yeah....i was cursed out by an irate customer on the phone, i have never heard so many f--- words used in my life along with the word shit!! he got a really messy sandwich and was cursing mw out that it was my fault and how he was coming down there to throw it in the cooks face so he can clean it up! all i said was ok sir, then told anthony and he was so pissed he called the guy back and cursed him out and told him to never come there again! he went back to his old bouncing days! i saw it in his eyes! then he told us if he comes back to call 911 because the guy would be thrown over the deck! i said as long as i can do it! lol! some people don't understand that if you want extra sauce on something it is going to be messy! DUH!!! oh well!
i am hoping to hear from my doctor today on my test results, hopefully its not to bad and a little meds can help everything go back to normal, cause really, i need to sleep and not be in pain for pete sakes!! but there is jason who is the most wonderful person on earth, who makes me feel better no matter how bad it gets. he is my rock!(and sometimes my very own fart machine!lol) well, that's all for now my friends. ta-ta!

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