Tuesday, August 26, 2008


well i am finally going to work! that's right! i am headed back to habitat! i was offered my old job back at habitat, and i took it with open arms and a huge smile! it has been a rough and long road trying to find a job in this great economy we have right now. not even a department store will hire me! geez! so i have a job at least until january, because habitat is going through a transitional period and are unsure what positions if any they may have after that. i am very thankful for this small blessing and will enjoy the paychecks!!
now if i can get the doctor to cure my pains and make me able to function, i will be even happier. more on that later i need to get my day started. ta-ta. :)


Gina said...


Congratulations Rosie-Posie! It will be nice to have a job where there is limited possibility of someone spilling chocolate milk all over you and then crying the rest of the afternoon. At least I hope your boss won't do that :)

Kristina Strain said...

That IS good news! Congratulations, hun!

katherine mary said...

Congratus my love! :)