Tuesday, January 20, 2009



Monday, January 19, 2009


so i just watched oprah, and normally i don't, but today it was all about our new president so i had to! all i have to say is OMG!!!! i have never in my life felt so excited about our president and what he will do for our country then i do with Obama. i must admit this is only my second election to have voted, and boy i have never been so proud to vote this year. i really do feel that he is going to change america by helping us see what we can do to change ourselves. oprah, with all of her powers, has collaborated this beautiful song called America's Song, and for pete sakes it makes you all teary!! There is no video so i am unsure how to link it but if you go to oprah.com you can download it for free for today only. even if you don't want to download it, just listen to it and you will be proud you live in this country. that's all for now, i have to upload some pics of my very first chili attempt and it was amazing!!! kristina you have inspired me to cook more! and eat more since your blog is always so yummy!! :)
ta-ta!! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

thank you....

after posting my last blog i have received and overwhelming response of love! and i didn't want an "oh pity me" kind of thing, what i got was pure love and support from people who i should have been leaning on in the first place. i may have been keeping it in to long, and not really using my amazing friends and family for support. that is just silly because i have a great support system!
i don't really make new years resolutions but i am now! as of 2009 i will NOT keep everything in and i WILL utilize the love and support of my family and friends. no more being silly about it by thinking they don't have time or wouldn't want to be bothered. so get ready to see and hear from me more often!!!
ta-ta! :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

it's been to long...

well it has been way to long since my last post!! sorry for all you hard core roja followers! lol!! i have been doing a ton of thinking and couch potatoing and yes even cheetos (karli they are my weakness!!) and felt the way some of you have ....and now its time to get up and stop feeling so damn sad!!!

with recent holiday news of my sister in law being pregnant (awesome) i had fallen into a little bit of a depression and still am trying to deal with these stupid girlie emotions. most of you who know me, know that i am having some hurdles to jump over to start a family. the more i am around children and hearing of friends and family getting prego, is really hurting my heart. i want nothing more than to have a family and be a mom. but the HP has other plans for me it seems and she hasn't run it by me yet! now, i don't by any means want to sound selfish, but for pete sakes this has been going on for 3 years and something needs to happen before i buy a patrillon puppies to fill the void!

as i watch all of my beautiful little cousins grow up and be as cute as they can be, i want to cry sometimes only because i would want my kids to grow up with them. unfortunately mother nature doesn't stop the growth process. i do know that one day, i hope, will be my turn and i can't wait (if you hadn't noticed!) but seriously, i am not getting younger and i don't want to start having kids when i am 40!! so i am on my last round of trying for a family this year and cross your fingers. not to hard, i don't want triplets!! i will also be joining weight watchers to get a hold of this up and down weight problem from being on hormones and being off of them and being depressed and so on. i have a really strong support system that i need to hold close, and not think that they are not around or don't have time for me, that's just me being silly!

so, here is to 2009 the year of nothing but goodness and joy for me and everyone around me. i love you all and thank you for listening. and an extra special thanks to the core support system i have, you know who you are, some of you have blogs too!!!
ta-ta! :)

nothing makes me happier than piggy slippers!!